Heatstar Ireland

Pools & Leisure Ireland have been supplying Heatstar air handling equipment to swimming pools and leisure complex for more than 10 years. Heatstar have produced heat recovery systems for swimming pools for over 25 years and were amongst the first to become involved in this specialist field. Heatstar have built on this experience and are now one of the largest suppliers of this type of specialist product.
Much of Heatstar Ireland’s reputation has come about through the comprehensive assistance and advice offered to prospective clients. This is a major factor in ensuring that every application is a complete success. Heatstar examine each individual project in detail, using their unequalled experience to identify and overcome possible design difficulties at an early stage.As part of our design service for air and pool water heating we will provide a no obligation energy management survey of the pool hall and advise associated ruining costs
Keep brands within the Heatstar range include Phoenix,Andromeda,Orion and Pegasus